Health &fitness

Things to know if you are suffering from acne and acne scars

In recent times, skin infections are the most common and varied health condition that most of the people are suffering. Subsequently, it is evident in the report of 2013, which confirms that nearly 43% of patients visit a doctor with the skin issue out of all other major body parts.

Acne Scars Treatment in Karachi


This is the most common skin disease among all and is known to affect the oil glands of the skin adversely. Moreover, the infection results in various kinds of pimples that can degrade the entire appearance of the person suffering from this condition. Eventually, acne can affect a person’s overall personality by making a person suffer from scarring, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, etc.

Acne scars

When your body wants to heal itself from any harm, this is the situation when acne scars appear to be formed. The infection can even lead to dermis if there is an existence of a deep break in the follicle wall. The dermis is the layer of the skin which lies underneath many other segments. Therefore, the deep spread of infection can lead to a long-lasting wound.

There are various treatments for curing acne scars. The best skin clinic in Karachi uses the medical tool called Derma pen for the purpose of removing the acne scars. Subsequently, this has resulted in effective results in recent times as compared to other clinics that don’t use a derma pen. Derma pen is a microneedle that is generally evident in dealing with cosmetic procedures. This treatment is most beneficial for women who want to eradicate the gain signs to as much extent as possible. Furtheracne scars treatment in Karachi involves effective laser technology, called the fractional Co2 laser. With the enhancement of laser technology, the laser treats only the affected parts and doesn’t harm any other part of the skin, where no scars exist.

Health &fitness

All you need to know before consulting a dermatologist

A doctor who has a specialization in dealing with patients suffering from diseases related to nails, skin, mucous membranes, and hair is known as a dermatologist. Further, the dermatologists are helpful in reviving the appearance of hair, skin, and nails by addressing various cosmetic issues of a patient. The ever-increasing skin and hair disorder has resulted in an increasing trend in medical students for the field of dermatology.

Rhinoplasty clinic in Karachi

Out of the six sense organs, skin covers the most of a body. According to a survey in the year 2013, more than 40% of the patients visited doctors due to suffering from skin issues. Therefore, in the present time, it becomes vital for every individual to know when to consult a dermatologist. The best dermatologist in Karachi treats more than 3000 diseases; here are a few specific conditions that are looked after:

  • Herpes zoster (Shingles): People suffering from this disease are mostly affected with painful rashes and nervous system of the skin. For the prevention of long-lasting pain, itching, numbness in the post-disease period, it’s really important for the treatment of this viral infection. And, this infection can also affect the retina of the eyes.
  • Psoriasis: This is a skin disorder that results in an abnormal rate of growth in skin cells, causing chronic pain and damage to the skin. Due to the rapid growth, the skin’s color starts becoming thick and red, along with evident silvery scales.
  • Warts: This is a viral infection that can be seen affecting the top-most layer of the skin, with additional skin growths. These are generally not much harmful, but consulting a dermatologist will help you remove them most effectively and painlessly.

Therefore, considering everything about a dermatologist, it’s always recommended to consult a dermatologist before opting for the services of a Rhinoplasty clinic in Karachi.

Health &fitness

Facts You Should Know About Vagina Tightening

There are many things that you may not have known about your vagina or maybe many things that are unknown to are an amazing thing on its own. We can say its awesome sex and love organ for women .It’s a part of the female body that many women appreciate and treasure it.So if you are having any health issues or any problems which are related to the private area of your body then you should not ignore. Many women are worried about the stretching of vaginas, which has ruined their happiness. You don’t have to worry that you can reconstruct the vagina tissues in the vaginal tightening clinic in Karachi. Cosmetic treatment of the vagina is the best way to do it.

Best Dermatologist in Karachi

Here are some benefits of vaginal tightening treatment

  1. Many women suffer from urinary problems where the urine leaks unknowingly. To treat these types of problems, doctors advise patients to go for the reconstruction of the vagina. Which generally takes a few hours to do it, and within very little time, the patient gets recovered. Before going for the surgery, you should consult a dermatologist. You can go to the best dermatologist in Karachi.
  1. It provides a comfortable feeling which is lost when labia becomes slack, which is caused by friction during movement. When there is friction, you will get a mixed feeling of frustration and feeling. You can get back your comfort by simple labiaplasty surgery.
  1. A loose vagina is also caused due to dissatisfied conjugal life. A vaginal surgery will help you in tightening muscles around the vaginal canal, which can you and your partner to feel good orgasm.
  1. Vaginal tightening surgery prevents your vagina from aging. It will look younger like the vagina you were having before the delivery of your kid. Once the surgery is done the inner walls of the vagina get tightened.
Health & Beauty

Facts about Scars Caused By Acne

Scars from acne are the result or outcome of the blemishes that are mainly caused by pores in the skin, which are caused due to bacteria, dead skin, and excess oil present in the skin. Acne can be a problem for you, but it is temporary because after some time it will automatically go away or else by treatment also your face can be free from acne. But the problem is about the scars that are caused due to acne if you don’t take proper care of the skin when you get acne than the scars in your face may become permanent.

Skin Care Clinic

The scars which are caused by injury or wounds can go away, but the scar caused by acne is difficult to go. If there is a rupture that occurs near the surface of the skin, it is usually a minor lesion, and it can heal quickly. But if there is a serious lesion in the follicle wall, then the infected material gets spread out and destroys the skin, which is healthy. To get rid of a scar, you go to a proper skin care clinic.

There mainly two types of scar caused by acne

1) Keloid scar

This scar is mainly caused when your body produces a large amount of collagen while the wounds are healing, which is caused by acne.

2) Depressed or atrophic scar

Whenever there is a loss of tissue, these scars are caused. There are mainly two of them. One is “Icepick” scars, which are very small but can create holes in the skin.” boxcar” which are oval and round, and it looks like scars that are caused due to chicken treat this types of scar acne scars treatment in Karachi are the best. They provide the best treatment globally, and the price charged by them is very nominal, which every person can afford.  

Health & Beauty

Everything you should know about lip fillers

In the world full of attractive faces, everyone wants to enhance their beautiful features to look more appealing, especially women. With the development of modern technology, many cosmetic procedures are introduced to mankind that potentially helps individuals to correct their features. Well, the lip is one of the most significant parts of the face that can make or ruin anyone’s look. Well, with the changing beauty trend, luscious and fuller lips become a desirable feature of everyone.

Botox Injection in Pakistan

Lip augmentation is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic procedures that is adopted by the individuals who want a fuller and beautiful lip. In this procedure, the hyaluronic acid filler used to make the lips enhanced. It provided a temporary definition and volume to the lips, which lasts about three months to one year.

Know about the facial procedure

The popular facial process is relatively painless; you may feel the pinch of injection only during the process. The hyaluronic acid filler contains an anesthetic, which minimizes pain and discomfort during the injection.The entire process is carried out by the experienced dermatologists at Lip fillers clinic in Karachi.

You can resume your regular activities after the facial procedure, and your lips will be tender afterward. People may feel redness and slight bruising after the injection, but it is normal and can minimize the discomfort soon. Well, you have to choose a professional dermatologist for a successful procedure.

You can access the experienced dermatologists, for Botox injection in Pakistan and many other cosmetic procedures. Well, injection of lip fillers is one of the most popular and effective noninvasive procedure that requires minimum time for recovery. However, you should consult your dermatologist before any cosmetic procedure, and you should undergo the facial injection process with the professional doctor to get the optimum result to enhance the beauty.